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Birds of prey park Cim d’Àligues

Birds of prey park Cim d'Àligues
Pondering where to spend a day with children, surrounded by a wild nature ? Here is an option – birds of prey park Cim d’Àligues (which in Catalan means the Peak of the Eagles) located in one of the most picturesque places for which Catalonia is so famous, on a hilltop near the town of Sant Feliu de Codines quite close to Barcelona. Here you can see “alive” a numerous representatives of feathered predators – falcons, eagles, hawks, vultures, owls and eagle-owl, and many many others. But the most interesting part of a visit to the park is a “free fly” show, during which you can see the birds in a free flight – a fascinating and exciting spectacle!
More detailed information and photos can be found in our blog following the link.