No matter what the defenders of animal rights may say, but to admire our smaller brothers is an inexhaustible source of joy for our children. Therefore, we never miss the opportunity to spend a day with children at the Barcelona Zoo. The Zoo is located in a very pleasant area of the city, in Ciutadella Park, which has an interesting history.
The park was created on the site of a fortress once built by the Spanish King Philip V after the siege and capture of Barcelona in 1714. The inhabitants of the city did not like this reminder of the military defeat of Barcelona; when in 1888 the question of choosing a place for the World’s Fair arose, the project of demolishing the hated fortress was quickly implemented. Now, on the site of the fortress, there is one of the favorite places for walking among Barcelona residents and guests of the capital of Catalonia. The zoo appeared here in 1892, when one of the wealthy townspeople donated his collection of exotic animals to the city hall. Today the zoo occupies about one third of the territory of Ciutadella Park.
The zoo is home to a huge number of animals, and the amount of cells and grids is minimized; it often gives the impression that the animals are close by, at arm’s length. Among others, you can see giraffes, elephants, rhinos, hippos, lions and tigers, pink flamingos and numerous other birds, zebras, camels; on a “village farm”, you can go down to the goats in the aviary; there are small performances in the dolphinarium, during which the dolphins demonstrate their acrobatic skills.
We bring to your attention a small selection of photographs of some of the animals that live in the Barcelona Zoo.
The first photo shows a trinity of marching giraffes.




More details and photos of Barcelona Zoo can be viewed at the link.